Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Christmas Gift Idea

Stuck for what to get your BNP supporting friend this Christmas? They already have the novelty earrings and number plate? Hmm. Oh, I know! Didn't you say your buddy was a keen badge collector? Well then hell, why not get them this -

This eBay listing does come with a polite disclaimer though - "Please note this is for collectors only,and is NOT sold to cause offence or offend anyone. Thank you."

No, thank you.

BNP Number Plate

Got a spare £350 and a burning love for the BNP that can't be expressed by just wearing novelty earrings? Then I say treat yourself this Christmas to this BNP number plate!

What better way to get in with your local BNP group and guarantee a kicking from everyone else?

BNP Earrings

I'm not too sure about the BNP's new champaign. I mean, it's nowhere near as effective as a spray painted wall declaring hate against the local "coloured" people. But penguins? Christmas earrings? And putting them under the title "CuTE BNP EaRrInGs!!" on eBay? I'm not sure if it's another degree of genius so far out there my brain melts just thinking about it, or plain stupidity. Either way, except a lot of your local skinheads declaring an unexpected love for the Antarctic birds.